RP & BSA Exhibition News and, Sadly, More…

Sophie 2000 - 2016

2000 – 2016

The last few weeks have been very difficult and sad for me. Over Easter my beloved Sophie deteriorated more rapidly and she died at home last week, on 22nd April. She was 16 years old, which I know is a great age. She was also very poorly for a long time, so I’m glad that she’s free from that now. The thing is, I simply miss her. She was a soulmate dog, and I can barely remember my life before she was a part of it.

I will return to write her a proper post by way of memorial once I have a little more distance. There are stories and pictures that I want to gather together and share. I know it is probably of little interest to anyone but me, but I want her to be remembered outside of my own head.

Anyway, aside from tidying up the studio and doing practical things like making a new batch of medium and starting off the process of sun-thickening some linseed oil (more of that in a few weeks when it will hopefully work out), I have done no painting whatsoever for over a month. This week is a fresh start and my aim is to ease back into the routine of things. I have been thinking a lot about subject matter and by no means do I lack inspiration. I have just been physically drained by nursing Sophie in her last weeks and emotionally so in saying goodbye. (I’m aware that sounds a little dramatic, but I know any readers who have been lucky enough to share their life with such a companion will understand.)

In amongst all this, there has been some good news too. I have had work accepted by The Royal Society of Portrait Painters and Bath Society of Artists for their respective Annual Exhibitions. It will be the second year running for both, which I am really pleased about. I always submit work expecting the worst but hoping for the best. In the case of Bath Society, I had a little cherry on top with the news that I had also won a prize for one of my paintings.

Bath Society of Artists Annual Exhibition is on now at Victoria Art Gallery, by Pulteney Bridge, Bath until June 4th 2016. Open daily 10.30am – 5.00pm.

Nude oil painting by Helen Davison

‘Seated Nude, a study’, 8″ x 6″ oil on gessoed card

Nude oil painting by Helen Davison

‘Standing Nude’, 8″ x 6″ oil on gessoed card (Meltone Gallery Award winner)

The Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Open Exhibition opens this week, running from 5th to 20th May 2016 at Mall Galleries – The Mall, London SW1. 10am to 5pm with late opening until 7pm on Tuesdays. I am exhibiting one of my favourite portraits, this haunting little one of George.

Oil portrait on linen, 12" x 10". 2015 by Helen Davison

‘Escape From the Hungry World of Ghosts’. Oil portrait on linen, 12″ x 10″