Work in Progress…

'So far Untitled (Madeleine)'. Oil portrait on linen, life size. 2016 by Helen Davison

‘So far Untitled (Madeleine)’. Oil portrait on linen, life size.

Here’s a large portrait project that I’m currently working on. So far it’s going well and is at a good stage to leave alone for a few days before returning to it next week (where it could all go wrong).

We’ve had around 9 sittings of a couple of hours each so far, and the canvas is now fully covered with the basic proportions of the body worked out, and the face a little further developed. Assuming all goes to plan, finishing may be a while away yet though. I hope to have a series of work-in-progress pictures to show how a painting gets from beginning to end – it’s surprising how much about the process you forget along the way.