2020 update #1
I have been neglecting my website terribly this year. I have no excuses for this other than being busy and focussed on making new work. Although things have been very far from normal across the globe for the last few…
Gouache Project, page one
I have really neglected my website this year, and have quite a sizeable backlog of work to post. I’ve been so focussed on painting that I struggle to find time for anything else. In many ways that’s a good thing,…
Watercolour Portrait
More watercolour work. This is from a few months ago and features the daughter of a friend. Learning through doing.
Gouache Portrait
A really enjoyable little project in gouache, undertaken back in August. I used a limited palette of yellow ochre, venetian red, ivory black, cobalt blue and burnt umber. I’m really pleased with the result. It’s a good likeness and the…
Watercolour Master Copy
The copying of master works as an aid to learning is a centuries old tradition, although it’s not something I have done very much of (if anything at all). Looking for exercises to continue my experiments with watercolour, I thought…
White Lilac
Another painting from a few months ago, this one of white lilac. Thinking that the delicate blossom wouldn’t last very long, I worked quickly and looked for big structural shapes within the larger heads, before picking out a few details…
I used a more subdued palette for this painting of a lemon, where nonetheless, the subject seemed to shine out of the darkness. I made a conscious effort to use little medium, put down thicker paint and not fuss the…
Yellow and Green
A little citrus still life with some stronger colours than those usually found on my palette – namely Viridian and Pthalo Blue. I was particularly interested in the light shining through the glass bottle and reflecting its beautiful green on…
Portrait of Tony
This portrait was started around January time, shortly before Meg died. That event sadly interrupted my finishing of the painting, and as such the hands remained in limbo for quite a few weeks. They were largely blocked in and positioned,…
Something new… sculpting with clay
This is a long overdue post dating back to Easter, when a few of us in the studio bought some clay, organised some models, and got sculpting. This was my first serious attempt, and with that in mind, I don’t…