Gouache Project, page one

gouache still life painting of lemons

I have really neglected my website this year, and have quite a sizeable backlog of work to post. I’ve been so focussed on painting that I struggle to find time for anything else. In many ways that’s a good thing, I’m energised by my work and am constantly pushing my skillset to experiment and learn. I acknowledge now though that I need to work smarter. I tend to stick with paintings that aren’t working because I can’t let go of a challenge, so I waste time on non-starters when I should move on. Each failure has a lesson in it, but I do need to be more efficient in order to build my portfolio and get more work exhibition ready.

One project that I have been picking up and putting down in between oil and landscape painting is my gouache book project. My aim is to complete what will become a book of some kind that replicates my sketchbook of gouache still life paintings. This is page one. A series of lemons, each sized at approx: 3″ x 5″. I find gouache to be an excellent discipline alongside oil painting and I thoroughly enjoyed working on these.